As the security support for PHP 8.0 recently finished, it’s time to move forward and update my projects, including the open-source ones. The silver lining in all of this is that I can finally switch to attributes in tests. I think the attributes are better and have some advantages over annotations. So, let’s do it, but let’s try to do it as fast as possible with the power of Vim.
to how to use vim substitute - a switch to attributes use case »
My New Year's resolutions in 2025
to my New Year's resolutions in 2025 »
Looking back, the 2024 year was a pretty difficult year for me. On the other hand, that was a year of professional development, full of various meetings, connections, activities and events. In addition, I fulfilled some of my 2024 New Year’s resolutions. So, I’m pretty happy with the results.
to my annual review for 2024 »
Vim is an incredible tool. Sometimes, it allows us to do the same things in a very different ways. Recently, I’ve found a shorter way to yank (in other words to copy) a whole file.
to yank whole file in Vim »
A few days ago, I released a stip-code library and two plugins (for Vite and for Webpack) that use it. Some people might wonder why someone would even want to use them. Other people might point out that there are plenty of similar solutions. Fair enough, however, I didn’t find a good one and had to write my own.
to why I wrote a strip code library and several plugins based on it »
I like Global days of Coderetreat. This is a perfect opportunity to practice pair programming, polish your skills and share your experience and thoughts with other programmers. Usually, this is an event that consists only of pair programming sessions. But this year, it was something different and I want to reflect on it and share my thoughts.
to my reflections on GDCR »
Some concepts are hard to grasp because of lots of details or because the level of abstraction is too high. Recently, I was asked about the Open-Close principle and how I would explain it. It seems to me, that the simplest explanation is when you show it on the micro level example.
to open-Close Principle at micro level »
I like things to be organized, especially when it comes to things that I use every day. After the last update, the date format in IntelliJ IDEA was reset to the default settings. I found it because logs in the Git tool started to look unusual to me. This is a short tip on how to set up a date formatting in this IDE.
to date and time formatting in IntelliJ »
Sometimes, the checks in code are so complex, that we have to write very sophisticated conditionals that have lots of conditional expressions. One might say that this is a bad practice. Maybe - but in some cases this is an inevitable evil. The main question is to format it.
to multi-line if statements style »
Recently, I had an interesting case where the power of Vim, especially macros, really shines. Let's start an adventure and dig deeper into this interesting and fascinating world.
to how to use Vim macros - a comments use case »