Disabling the ML completion in IntelliJ

As you might know, in 2024, JetBrains company added a full line code completion in IDEs. This code completion feature is based on the Machine-Learning (ML) mechanism and increases the development speed drastically. However, sometimes there are situations where we don’t want to see any suggestions. Especially when we are deliberately practicing or doing programming katas. So, let’s find out how to disable it temporarily.
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The Chrome Command Menu

The world of software is full of surprises, and I’m not just talking about Easter eggs. Even the programs that people use every day have a lot of hidden possibilities that people are not aware of. Recently, I discovered that Google Chrome has a Command Menu with some very useful built-in commands. Let’s find out how to use it and what it gives us.
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Playgrounds and why to use them

Imagine that you have a task to develop a package or a library. For example, during the last refactoring session, someone mentioned that a piece of functionality should be extracted into a separate package. Or, the company made a decision to open-source a part of internal software or developments. Or, you just have an interesting idea that you want to make public. In all these situations you have to start somewhere. One of the possible ways is to start just from a playground.
to playgrounds and how they can help to write better code »

Functions vs Classes in JavaScript

I always wondered why in different JavaScript communities and projects people still prefer using functions instead of objects. Of course, we're not talking about projects written in the functional paradigm. What is even more interesting is that in some projects you won’t find any Class keyword, even though this keyword was introduced in JavaScript 10 years ago (in ES6 version). Recently, quite by accident, I had a conversation with a front-end developer who favors functions over classes. It turned out into an interesting discussion that led to a useful experiment, and that is why.
to functions vs Classes in JavaScript »

A PCRE lookahead and the case sensitivity

During all my developer’s career I’ve been a big fan of regular expressions. I read books and articles on the topic. I even created a sandbox with common and popular challenges to play around with them. Until recently, I thought I had seen almost all possible tasks and challenges related to regular expressions. However, a few days ago, I came across an interesting case related to case sensitivity which was very new to me.
to an interesting PCRE lookahead assertion case »

How to use Vim substitute command (a use case)

As the security support for PHP 8.0 recently finished, it’s time to move forward and update my projects, including the open-source ones. The silver lining in all of this is that I can finally switch to attributes in tests. I think the attributes are better and have some advantages over annotations. So, let’s do it, but let’s try to do it as fast as possible with the power of Vim.
to how to use vim substitute - a switch to attributes use case »

My annual review for 2024

Looking back, the 2024 year was a pretty difficult year for me. On the other hand, that was a year of professional development, full of various meetings, connections, activities and events. In addition, I fulfilled some of my 2024 New Year’s resolutions. So, I’m pretty happy with the results.
to my annual review for 2024 »

Yank a whole file in Vim

Vim is an incredible tool. Sometimes, it allows us to do the same things in a very different ways. Recently, I’ve found a shorter way to yank (in other words to copy) a whole file.
to yank whole file in Vim »

Why I wrote a strip code library

A few days ago, I released a stip-code library and two plugins (for Vite and for Webpack) that use it. Some people might wonder why someone would even want to use them. Other people might point out that there are plenty of similar solutions. Fair enough, however, I didn’t find a good one and had to write my own.
to why I wrote a strip code library and several plugins based on it »
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