My presentation "Mocks aren't stubs: What are test doubles and how to use them?"
Recently, I gave a talk for the Software Crafters Barcelona community. For the last few years, I was really into testing. At some point, I realized that I wanted to share my knowledge and came up with the presentation about test doubles and how to use them. This is my presentation “Mocks aren’t stubs: What are test doubles and how to use them?” and some afterthoughts on it.
As I mentioned in the presentation, it is based on the prominent article “Mocks Aren’t Stubs” by Martin Fowler. It is also based on the equally famous book “xUnit Test Patterns”. One might ask what this presentation is for in such a case? The topic of the test doubles is so broad, that it is not possible to address and cover all the aspects in one source only. In addition, the original article requires some deep knowledge. So, I tried to gather as much information as possible to help other programmers to nail down this article and the topic in general.
Check out the presentation:
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